22 Apr Peacock Springs – Wes Skiles State Park in Live Oak, FL.
Peacock Springs – Wes Skiles State Park in Live Oak, FL.
A Cave diver’s favorite spring and under ground complex in North FL! While not necessarily a great swimming hole like many other springs, this park certainly has a lot to offer to explore and for those that are not cave divers even. The large overhead tree canopy, winding roads and walking trails, and breathtaking clear blue sinks are definitely worth the trip to see in person!
Dr. Peacock purchased the property that is now the park back in the late 1800s and moved his family here from North Carolina to farm cotton and raise cattle. There was also a short-line rail road that transported lumber, phosphate, and brick from the Luraville area to steamboats on the Suwannee River in the same era. Part of the old rail-bed can still be seen in a few areas around the park.
The park features numerous different sinks, and springs. Orange Grove Sink, Cistern Sink, Olsen Sink (absolutely beautiful!), Peacock Spring 1,2,3 and Bonnet spring are just a few of the main features of the park. There are several miles of scenic walking trails in addition to the diving opportunities.
There are 2 parking areas – first at Orange Grove Sink, and then at the end of the entrance road back near Peacock Springs complex and Peacock Slough that runs out into the Suwannee River. You can see more about what the park offers by enlarging any of the photos below of the onsite signage.
- Board walk as a part of a trail to one of the water entrances for divers to carry tanks and gear with them.
Amenities directions and more information about Peacock Springs – Wes Skiles State Park.
- Travel Time: 30 Minutes from Live Oak, FL. 5 minutes to the “Luraville Store”.
- Park Type: State, Florida
- Accessed via: Paved Road
- Site Address: 18532 180th Street Live Oak, FL 32060
- Directions: From Live Oak take US Hwy 129 South. Make a right on 11th Street. Go to Round-A-Bout, and go south on State Road 51 towards Mayo. Turn left onto 180th Street (In front of the Luraville store), go approximately 2.5 miles and see entrance on right.
- Amenities: Parking, trash receptacles, walking trails, board walks, signage.
- Fee: Yes. $4 per vehicle.
Property nearby Peacock Springs that is for sale.
If you enjoy Peacock springs, you may be interested in considering property that is nearby this wonderful park? Let us know how we can help, Contact Us today!